Data Appending

Databases go bad every 3 months as some people shifting their companies, change of title, death, company has shut down and various other reasons. Hence it is very important to suppress all outdated information from the in-house file to maximize results.
We can append any missing information to your in-house database, for example if you have any missing Phone numbers, email addresses, titles, physical address etc. Firstly we will test you in-house database with 25-50 sample for test append and derive a (Match Rate) i.e. an estimate of the number of contacts we will be able to append to your in-house file.
These appended contacts are then verified by our experts using our in-house verification tool and a telemarketing campaign will executed wherein each field will be verified for larger accuracy. We use different software’s to verify the physical address and the other to verify the email addresses.
Your customers are your assets so you need to make sure you have the most updated information and all the contact information like their phone number, email address, company name etc. This will make certain you can reach your target through multiple channels.

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